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Bonito Story in July 2016

[ 2016.07.27 ]

July is the first catching month after fishing ban, in the past years, Bonito size was always baby bonito like size 80-100g, 100-150g in the first catching. However, it is size 300-500g, 500g+ with very big fish roe in the first catching in this July, maybe due to global climate warming.


10 years ago, Bonito was always land frozen; 5 years ago, Bonito land frozen quality is better than sea frozen because fishing man was lack of sea frozen experience; nowadays, 95% Bonito sea frozen instead of land frozen with best quality. 

Bonito is always quite active in warm season, bonito schools prefer in temperature 26-28℃. So always high histamine with pasty & honey comb meat during July and August when the weather is pretty hot with temperature 38-42℃ if land frozen in the previous years, ,meantime, of course the Bonito was too small to soft body. But July in this year, Typhoon came earlier, the temperature is not too hot like before, we know how to control histamine by sea frozen, even so,  we still must be careful of histamine, pasty and honey comb meat.

We always got bonito from Pacific Ocean before year of 2016, but we start to learn to get bonito from Indian Ocean in this year. For instance in July, compare Bonito from Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean, bonito is bigger size 300-500g & 500g + with fish roe from Pacific Ocean, but only size 150-250g without any fish roe with more shining body from Indian Ocean. We study how different Bonito between Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean.