Our News


[ 2016.06.27 ]

Bonito landing was so so at the second half year of 2015 and very bad at the first half year of 2016. Normally catching period is from July to second year of June in our area, there has big year (landing quantity is a lot) and small year (landing quantity is short), therefore, we regard last year till June as small year, new catching from July will be big year.


There is no catching in May and June due to sea forbidden in Chinese East Area. In fact, “SEA FORBIDDEN” started since Min Dynasty, not allowed MARINE TRADE at the beginning, meantime, ban fishing due to pirate from other countries.


In Qing Dynasty, follow “SEA FORBIDDEN” policy BAISC ON Min Dynasty. The policy hindered economy increasing at the coastal regions because no fishing by fisher-man and no trade of sea are by business-man. Meantime, it obstructed politics, economy, culture, and relation-ship with other over-sea countries.


In 1995, Chinese fishery bureau declared policy of “fishing ban” for Huanghai and Chinese East Sea. In 1999, same “fishing ban” policy for South China Sea too. It is not for pirate any more, just to alleviate excessive fishing and protect fisheries resources. Although the policy reduced the income of fishermen, bans protect fisheries and ensure the industry’s sustainability.


In 2004, each sea, waters in each year is not fixed, so there has different fishing ban period which according to the growth of the breeding season and habits of aquatic resources in different sea area of Chinese East Sea, Huanghai and South China sea.


In 2015, China Fishery bureau informed that extension 1 more month of fishing ban due to fish egg breeding season, maybe will be follow the new fishing ban period soon in year of 2017.


New Catching from our area which is Chinese East Sea will be from 1st July, King Marine Food will update more landing information in July Newsletter.