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2nd China-CEEC Investment and Trade Expo Closed in Ningbo China

[ 2016.06.27 ]

28 Deals of 350 Million Dollars were signed with CEE countries

NINGBO, China, June 17, 2016  -- The 2nd China-CEEC Investment and Trade Expo (CCEEC) rounded off on June 12 in Ningbo, China. 28 deals have been sealed by Ningbo government with the CEE countries, whose total worth reached $350 million.

A Slovenian light-sport aircraft is seen at an exhibition booth in the high-tech sectionduring the 2nd China-CEEC (Central and Eastern European Countries) Investment andTrade Expo in Ningbo, East China's Zhejiang province, June 9, 2016

Two models play the violin on movable platforms at an exhibition booth in the high-techsection during the 2nd China-CEEC.

The expo this year featured business matching fairs and conferences among various industries for the first time. The Investment and Cooperation Conference presented 240 projects in agriculture, energy resources, infrastructure, information engineering, service and many others. During the matching fair of business associations, 22 cooperation agreements were inked, according to CCEEC organizing committee office.

In addition, 690 exhibitors from 268 companies in the 16 CEE countries joined the product expo during the event, which attracted more than 1,000 professional buyers from around China. Sealed and potential deals are worth a total of $26 million, according to the CCEEC organization committee office. Official data also show that 18 educational cooperation projects amongChina and CEE countries were inked during the event. China has signed an agreement with three CEE countries to build a technology and innovation center. A joint research center between Ningbo and CEE cities was officially launched during the event.

The Ministerial Conference of China and CEE Countries on Promoting Trade and Economic Cooperation that was held during the CCEEC expo saw the debut of an important publication, Ningbo Manifesto. The manifesto gives an overview of consensus between China and CEE countries and offers guidelines to develop and promote trade cooperation in the future.

According to the manifesto, China, especially Ningbo, will step up efforts in generating more trade volume between China and CEE countries in agricultural products, food, technology, manufacturing and emerging sectors such as cross-border e-commerce.

Gao Hucheng, minister of China's Ministry of Commerce, said after the ministerial conference that the CCEEC event has achieved what it is expected and created new landscape for economic and trade cooperation among China and CEE countries.

Tang Yijun, acting mayor of Ningbo, said that in the recent years, the amount of cooperative projects between Ningbo and cities and regions in CEE countries is increasing and the relationship is getting deeper and more substantial. In the future, Ningbo will host more expos and see it as an opportunity to further work with CEE cities and regions on industrial projects, market development, trading and cultural exchange.

About China-CEEC Investment and Trade Expo

China-CEEC Investment and Trade Expo is the first expo on trade and investment between China and CEE countries. The first edition of the expo was held in Ningbo from June 8-12, 2015. It is hosted jointly by the Ministry of Commerce and the provincial government of Zhejiang, and organized by related sectors of the Ministry of Commerce, Ningbo municipal government and Department of Commerce of Zhejiang Province.