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King Marine Newsletter in December,2015

[ 2016.01.05 ]

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27Dec 2015,issue#km15-024 1438839223340940.pngwww.km-seafood.com  1438839242394988.png+8613777054950
 1438839259557864.pngadmin@km-seafood .com             1438839253827501.pngphidial


22nd Dec. is Winter Solstice (Chinese: 冬至), the 22nd  solar term of the year as per the traditional Chinese lunar calendar. Winter Solstice begins this year on Dec 22 and ends on Jan 6.

On the first day of Winter Solstice, the  Northern Hemisphere experiences the shortest day and the longest night in the  year, as the sun shines directly at the Tropic of Capricorn. From then on, days  become longer and the nights become shorter. The Winter Solstice also marks the  arrival of the coldest season in the year.


During Winter Solstice in North China,  eating dumplings is essential to the festival. There is a saying that goes  "Have dumplings on the first day of Winter Solstice and noodles on the  first day of Summer Solstice." In the most parts of South China, people  eat tangyuan, a kind of stuffed small dumpling ball made of glutinous rice  flour to celebrate Winter Solstice. Also, some people traditionally eat rice  cakes. In the past, before the approach of the winter solstice, every household  would make the cakes to worship their ancestors or use as gifts for relatives  and friends. Today, though fewer families eat home-made cakes, people there  still buy rice cakes for the Winter Solstice Festival.

As Winter Solstice comes, the Christmas and  New Year is drawing near. We would take this opportunity to express  our sincere appreciation for your support in the past years. Wish you have  a wonderful holiday filled with health and happiness.



Fisheries  Control Agency to become part of new European Border and Coast Guard capacity

The European Commission (EC) has proposed an ambitious package of measures to establish a European Border and Coast Guard and guarantee effective border control both on land and at sea.

Within this framework, the European Fisheries Control Agency will contribute substantially to improving border control: by sharing


information,assets and intelligence with the new European Border and Coast Guard Agency and with the European Maritime Safety Agency.

The European Fisheries Control Agency has particular know-how and  experience in the global fight against illegal fishing, which is often related to other criminal activities such as drug trafficking or smuggling of people and of weapons or other goods. Thanks to its international mandate, it has already developed a privileged network with third countries,in particular with  Mediterranean countries such as Turkey,Albania,Lebanon,Israel,Egypt,Tunisia,Algeria and Morocco.

Coastguard authorities carry out operational activities at sea,including border control,but also activities regarding maritime transport,fisheries control,customs,and marine pollution.

Yesterday's legislative package therefore enhances the EU's response capacity at sea not only in relation to border management,but also to threats and risks of other major crisis situation at sea.



+ High in protein, low in carbohydrate value; rich in omega-3 and unsaturated fatty  acids.
+ Preferred ingredient for canned food, sandwich, fishcakes  and salads.
+ Bottom price before Chinese New Year.
+ 2kgs/vacuum bag interleaved with finger space for easy defrost without broken, 12kgs/carton or  20kgs/ctn.


Basic info:

+ Size: from raw material size 150-300g/pc.
+ Caught by purse seiner, sea frozen; precooked by steam.
+ Moisture<69%, Histamine <50ppm
+ Never pasty, honey comb, oxidation
+ Never orange meat, green meat or bad odor
+ Skinless, boneless; no flakes
+ With dark meat on or no dark meat
+ Color of fillet:very white meat
+ Quantity available: 10*40' FCL
+ Storage condition:-18℃ below

mackerel fillet 1.jpg
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