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King Marine Newsletter in November,2015

[ 2015.11.30 ]

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22th Nov, 2015 is Minor Snow, (Chinese: 小雪), the 20th solar term of the year as per the traditional Chinese Lunar Calendar. Minor Snow refers to the time when it starts to snow, mostly in China’s northern areas, and the temperature continues to drop. In Ningbo this day is also a good day. Because the weather here finally became a little sunny after continuous rain for around 20days.

On this special day, King Marine team had one-day tour in Ninghai hot spring town. There we breathed the fresh air in


the forest, enjoyed the great scenery and really comfortable bathing in hot spring. Although it’s a very short tour, we stayed together, talked together and laughed together, which will be deeply in everyone’s minds. Through this activity, it strengthened our team spirit further and improved KM cohesion. We believe KM team will make more concerted efforts in the work and better harvest for 2015.


Spanish vessels may fish in Mauritania 'before Christmas'

The Secretary General of Fisheries, Andrés Hermida, confirmed that the Spanish fleet can resume fishing activities in Mauritanian waters before Christmas, following the entry into force of the fisheries agreement between the European Union (EU) and Mauritania.

Speaking to the agency EFE, Hermida explained that while the agreement must be ratified by the European Parliament so that


it is "fully" implemented, including a "provisional implementation clause" that allows its launch. Consequently, he estimated that fifty vessels from Spain will be allowed to have access to the Mauritanian fishing ground in the first half of December, in "about ten or fifteen days."
As part of the agreement, Community vessels will be allowed to fish 281,500 tonnes per year in return for an annual compensation of EUR 55 million a year.
This agreement benefits the fishing fleets of Andalusia, Canary Islands and Galicia.
To Spain, the new protocol represents some improvement over the previous one. It will benefit the shellfish fleet, for example, because it has recovered one of the two fishing areas that had been closed in the previous agreement. In addition, given the good status of the shellfish resources, both parties have decided to eliminate biological stoppages for this fishing mode, which will allow the fleet to fish all year round.

And with regard to tuna fishing, the new protocol allows the fleet of highly migratory species to return to one of the best fishing grounds in the Atlantic. The purse seine and longline fleets will be able to operate under similar conditions to those of other agreements for highly migratory species, after standardizing control measures and the access in this new protocol with those from the other tuna agreements.


 + Good quality, high production rate (the weather is much colder at our area); competitive price (new catching in huge quantity, large-scale production)

 + Rich in protein and omega 3 fatty acids. Favorable ingredient for canned food, fishcakes and salads. 
 + Packing:

   -5kgs/vacuum bag interleaved, 10kg/ctn.

   -7.5kgs/vacuum bag BQF by hand lay, 170bags/pallet.


Basic info:

 + Size: from raw material size 200-500/pc.
 + Caught by purse seiner, sea frozen; precooked by steam.
 + Moisture<68%, Histamine <50ppm
 +Never pasty, honey comb, oxidation
 +Never orange meat, green meat or bad odor
 +Skinless, boneless; without dark meat
 + Color of loin: very white meat
 + Quantity available: 10*40' FCL
 + Storage condition:-18℃ below

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