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King Marine Newsletter in June,2015

[ 2015.08.19 ]

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26Jun 2015,issue#km15-0181438839223340940.pngwww.km-seafood.com1438839242394988.png+8613777054950

展会海报 新.jpg

There have many Chinese traditional Festivals in June, but the most impressive are Dragon boat Festival and Father's day.

The dragon boat Festival on 5th May Lunar calendar. I.E. on 20th June . It is also called Duanwu Destival. Most students called “Zongzi” Festival too,because we must eat Zongzi what is one special snack packed by bamboo or reed leaves on that day.

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The dragon boat Festival is in memory of Quyuan, and we row dragon boats on that day. It is a holiday about significant history, therefore we have 3 days holiday from 20th June to 22nd June in China. We pray “good health in the dragon boat Festival” instead of “happy the dragon boat festival” due to in memory of Quyuan.
father2.jpgThere is Father's day on 21st June in this year, it also during holiday of the dragon Festival. In fact, Father's day is on different date every year, because we only celebrate Father's day on third Sunday of June. We know different countries have Father's day on different date for different meaning. In China, we always celebrate with father on that day,and we show pictures of father on social web nowadays because of fast internet, even Chinese movie stars or famous officer do the same.
At last, KING MARINE will invite you to taste “zongzi” when you visit us in Ningbo.

The Secretariat of the Pacific Community says a strong El Nino event this year is likely to push tuna fisheries towards the central Pacific and away from fishing grounds of Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Palau.The SPC's Oceanic Fisheries Programme Manager, John Hampton, says this year's El Nino event is predicted to be the strongest since 1997.

He says stocks will likely move towards the exclusive economic zones of Kiribati, Tuvalu, Tokelau and Nauru, as water temperatures change.
"We should see very strong fishing activity and catches over towards the central Pacific side of the region. If this event impacts the biology of the tuna resource in a similar fashion as it has in the past, we should possibly see a fairly strong recruitment particularly for Skipjack tuna next year, towards the end of next year."
John Hampton says this suggests the high catches being experienced at the moment will continue. He says while that's good from a catching perspective, there is concern the current depressed price of Skipjack tuna in the marketplace will not be assisted by continuing strong supply.
   + Rather cheap price now, the best replacement for skipjack loin. 
   + The preferred stuff for canned food, salad, sandwiches and sausage.
   + Available packing: 
    - 5kg/vacuum bag interleaved, 10kg/ctn. 
    - 7.5kg/vacuum bag, 170bags/pallet.
    - Other packing way required by clients.

Basic info:
  + Size: from raw material size 200-500g, 500g+
  + Catching method: by purse seiner
  + Cooking method: steam
  + Description:
    - Never species mixing
    - Never pasty, honey comb, oxidation
    - Never orange meat, green meat or bad odor
    - skinless, boneless; without dark meat
    - Loin and flakes packed separately
  + Color of loin:brown and a little white
  + Quantity available: 10*40' FCL
  + Storage condition:-18℃ below
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