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King Marine Newsletter in July,2014

[ 2015.08.13 ]

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26 Jul 2014,issue#km14-0071438839223340940.pngwww.km-seafood.com1438839242394988.png+8613777054950

展会海报 新.jpg
In  25th July, a day marks the first anniversary of the establishment of  Ningbo King Marine Food Co., Ltd and begins an annual company travel to South  Korea to celebrate our first anniversary. Throughout the year, thanks for your  supports and understanding. Thanks for the all efforts of King Marine members and will keep punching in the future with “One dream, One King Marine”. The  best preparation for tomorrow is doing our best today.

Skipjack tuna  prices jump as fishermen look for ‘revenge’

Deals for skipjack tuna  are being done at $1,750 per metric ton as the market keeps getting hotter.  Tuna traders are known to have pushed for $1,800/t, but accepted a lower level.  Some had sold at $1,750/t.
The fish being bought at  the $1,750/t level is for September, so sources have speculated prices could  rise even more for October deliveries.
In April, skipjack  prices hit $1,110/t and sources said they would most likely “bounce around this  level for the next month or two,
before starting a slow climb up”.


The bounce  has not really happened, and the prices have rocketed back up. Deals were  done at between $1,250 and $1,275t for May at the end of April. By early June, prices had already hit $1,600/t. And there is more up in July.
“When  the prices go so low in the cycle, the fishermen look for revenge,” the source said, “this rapid increase in prices was not  expected.”



Species:Scomber Japonicus
Discription:Sea Frozen,10kg/carton
Storage Condition:-18℃
Main Market Distrubution: ASIA,AFRICA
Shelf Life:24month
The Season Just Started Since July.


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