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King Marine Newsletter in June,2014

[ 2015.08.13 ]

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26 Jun 2014,issue#km14-0061438839223340940.pngwww.km-seafood.com1438839242394988.png+8613777054950

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Since 1995, China had carried out the system of Summer Closed FishingFormally in the East Sea and Yellow Sea, then extended to the South of China Sea, the breadth of its coverage and impact of its power is obviously. From nowon, the system of Summer Closed Fishing has become one of the most effective fisheries management measures, now play an important role of sustainable development in fisheries, such as increase the scientific

investigation of fishery resources,adjust the fishing structure rationaly and so on.


Russia to Increase Aquaculture ProductionThe Russia plans to increase the domestic production of aquaculture to 300,000tonnes by 2020 and also plans to attract investors to the industry.From now on, new zones for fish growing in Russia will be allocated throughauctions, instead of by tender. The new rules will involve mandatory payment ofa deposit for participation in the auctions. They will also involve the statesetting the volume and types of production - contrary to the previous scheme,where the type and volume of production were defined by the producers themselves.Aquaculture production in    


Russia is currently estimated at 140,000 tonnes offish, of which 80% is the production of carp. It is planned that over the comingyears the volume of production will be increased up to 300,000 tonnes.

Species:Scomber japonicus
Size of can: 1000g
Discription:with vegetable oil/sunflower oil/brine/tomato sauce, 12tins/carton(1000g) Storage condition:normal temperature preservation
Main market distrubution: EU, AFRICA
Value: Full of unsaturated fatty acid (DHA+EPA+LNA)
Shelf life:3years
Recommended reason:
1).Without unhealthy additives,green food, opened instant
2). Amino acid are the main ingredients that make up proteins,and tuna is full of amino acid,so choose the tuna can not only because of the delicious taste also good for health.
3).DHA is one kind benefit for brain,tuna is full of DHA,so if take the tuna frequently,we will get sufficient DHL for brain.



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