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Skipjack tuna prices rise again

[ 2019.03.25 ]

The prices for skipjack tuna raw material for delivery to the processing hubs of Bangkok, Thailand, and Manta, Ecuador are on the rise, China is the same.

It is around $1,450 in March and sounds as if prices will settle at around $1,650 per-metric-ton for the big April deliveries, up from around $1,200-$1,250/t before Chinese New Year (end of January). 

"Short supply in most oceans" was given as the reason for the increase in prices.

Fishing sources said catching has been slow. “The price is going up again as catches in Atlantic are small and the WCPO [western and central Pacific Ocean] catch is now very bad. Of course, canners still insist on their lower prices as there are still a lot of carriers being unloaded, but if catches continue slow and short, the price will definitely go up again” .

Recent report on Thai Union Group, the world's largest tuna canner, that less volatility is expected this year. Expects skipjack tuna prices to mostly stay in the $1,300-$1,800/t range this year, with any price spikes or dives should only be only for a short duration, making for easier sales price adjustments with clients.

The reason expect less price volatility this year than in 2018 is that a good catch is anticipated and the embedded fishing cost outlook is more stable.